Social Anthropology - Robots, AI & Society

mardi 13 février 2018

LES ROBOTS ET NOUS : Vivrons-nous dans une machine ?

J'aurais le plaisir d'intervenir à l'auditorium de la médiathèque l'Apostrophe, à Chartres, le 17 février, pour une conférence consacrée aux enjeux de la robotisation de nos sociétés.

jeudi 1 février 2018

The Closed Ecologies of Cyber-Physical Systems: A Case Study (Doc-Postdoc Session)

BIOCOSMOS: Our Sense of Place, Our Sense of Life in the Universe, PSL Research University / IRIS-OCAV, University of Arizona, Biosphere 2, Oracle (AZ) - Feb 1st 2018

The workshop was organized by the OCAV (Origin and Conditions of Appearance of Life) program at Paris Sciences-Lettres Research Université and the CNRS-ENS-Arizona International Center for Interdisciplinary and Global Environmental Studies (iGLOBES). It aimed at breaking through disciplinary boundaries by bringing together a mix of astronomers, Earth scientists, ecologists, and anthropologists to discuss how our understanding of life and nature as integrated systems advances and evolves as we become able to assemble and control complex artificial ecosystems on Earth, prepare to send and use such ecosystems on the Moon and Mars, search for alien life and ecosystems on other planets and planetary bodies, and push the boundaries of our exploration of the distant universe.

See also: